The Challenge: Understanding the flu vaccine market landscape in China and Korea.

A Top-10 Pharma company asked LucidQuest to support them in understanding the competitive landscape of the flu vaccine markets and finding suitable ways to increase its revenue in China and Korea to beat its competition.

The project objectives included ascertaining the market size and growth opportunity of the flu vaccine market in China and Korea and understanding the strategic intent of major international and local manufacturers/suppliers in both geographies.

The Action: Field primary research with targeted in-person interviews with competitors and stakeholders in supply and manufacturing.

We conducted “on the ground” investigations both in China and Korea, where we interviewed in person key sources from the target companies and those involved in the supply and manufacture of flu vaccine. 

The Result: Enhanced strategic decision-making fuelled by an in-depth landscape understanding.

The research enabled our client to make informed decisions about pricing, product portfolio [including marketing and sales activities], current and future flu vaccine capacity needs, and sales and distribution structures. 

#Fluvaccines #CompetitiveIntelligence #StrategyOptimization #casestudy #ourwork