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Do you afford to miss the latest ASCO discussions and Twitter activity?

ASCO discussions and Twitter activity

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) is the most prominent professional organization representing physicians of all oncology subspecialties who care for people with cancer. Their annual meeting is also one of the biggest in the world, alongside AACR and ESMO.

ASCO annual meeting and Twitter: Why you should care.

The latest developments in oncology, presented at ASCO, shape research and treatment paradigms. 

This influence is apparent in social media. Monitoring this online activity reveals which ASCO presentations impacted the online community.

Impactful insights and trend changes over time are precious information for any pharma company in the cancer treatment landscape. 

This article summarizes the social media analysis we conducted around the ASCO annual conference over the last three years. It reveals which cancer types attracted the most attention on Twitter.

Did you know which cancer types were mostly discussed on Twitter during ASCO the last three years?

Analyzing Tweets by monitoring specific hashtags, we uncovered the top five types of cancer that were mainly discussed on Twitter during ASCO in 2020, 2021, and 2022.


Cancer types that attracted interest in 2020

Figure 1: ASCO 2020 saw increased activity in LC, GI, BC and PC Twitter discussions, with mentions to I/O agents and CAR T therapies; COVID19, in conjunction with these cancer types, was also heavily discussed.


Cancer types that attracted interest in 2021

Figure 2: ASCO 2021 LC and BC activity was almost half of the total activity, followed by GI, PC and CRC discussions; once more, most involved mentions to I/O agents and CAR T therapies.


Cancer types that attracted interest in 2022

Figure 3: ASCO 2022 BC and LC activity was more than half of the total activity, followed by CRC, PC and Sarcoma discussions; I/O agents and CAR T therapies were again mostly discussed on Twitter posts.


The five most discussed types of cancer on Twitter during ASCO 2022, in descending order, are:

  1. Breast cancer
  2. Lung cancer
  3. Colorectal cancer
  4. Prostate cancer
  5. Gastrointestinal cancer

How has the interest around type cancers evolved in the last years?

Below, we discuss how the interest in those types of cancer evolved during the last couple of years. Also, we mention the trials that made the news. 

Research and treatment advances confirm this, especially through key studies reading out (DESTINYbreast04, DESTINYbreast03, TROPICS-02, etc.).

On top of discussions in 2020 and 2021, lung cancer dropped to second place in 2022. However, we see a continuously increased activity. Research and trials show that researchers, physicians, and patients are highly interested. (COSMIC021, TACTI-002, NADIM II, etc.) 

From ranking fifth in the previous years, colorectal cancer was the third most discussed cancer type on Twitter during ASCO 2022. Recent advancements and successful trials justify why it gained this attention (PARADIGM, DYNAMIC, FORTEStudy, etc.).

Ongoing efforts in research and a high number of trials (TheraP, ENZAMET, VISION, etc.) have created space for online discussions on prostate cancer. The interest has remained consistent and relatively high throughout the last years, during the ASCO meetings and other oncology congresses.

The absence of high-impact research and trials in 2022 had, as a result, the fifth place for gastrointestinal cancer in terms of SM discussions during ASCO, while the interest during the previous years made this type of cancer rank third. 

In 2022 we see a very low percentage of activity. Only four trials were mentioned (CAPTEM, POLO, KEYNOTE-811, and INTRIGUE). At the same time,  the other cancer types had more than double the trials discussed online.

Why pharma cannot ignore Twitter discussions.

Undoubtedly the social media discussions reveal the most important and impactful advances presented at a conference. 

These discussions are must-have, must-know information for pharma. Managers need this input to shape strategy and decide on the next investments, R&D and marketing strategies.

Also, pharma marketers can only plan and execute a successful social media strategy to promote their research and assets if they know their competitors’ presence. 


Would you like to find out what your competitors are up to in the online and offline worlds? Or do you need a partner to obtain insights on your competitor’s digital strategy and elevate your digital presence? 


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