As part of our coverage of the Digital Health space, the LucidQuest team has been attending ESC 2020 Digital Health week.

Download Part IV of our coverage here and see below for the key learning highlights from the event

  • An explosion in technology is taking place – its uptake has been transformed and it shows a shared global reach that could change the standard of care
  • Overall, technology has been well accepted by patients during COVID-19
  • However, there is no one-way solution for everybody and different formats should be available – when to use it / when not to use it, patient’s preference
  • A decrease in telemedicine use has been observed after COVID in some countries, interestingly in countries where technology is well implemented and accepted – is it due to:
    • patient preference for face-to-face visits?
    • physicians being too conservationists?
    • financial issues?
  • Telehealth is not a binary option – it will not replace the physician – and alone is not virtual care – it needs to be combined with digital care; optimal virtual care remains to be defined
  • There is a need for clinical evidence that telemedicine works – right prospect of trials that would provide absolute validation
  • Concerns that algorithms could be biased are real – they could lead to harm; once validated they should remain under constant surveillance
  • To avoid bias, high-quality data sources are required – underlying data quality is currently a real issue

Use of technology is about empowering patients and it is anticipated that AI will put the patient back in the centre of care!

