The Challenge: Uncovering perceptions of GT in ophthalmology.
LucidQuest organized and facilitated a competitive simulation and product positioning workshop in the ophthalmology gene therapy (GT) space, tailored for a leading biopharma company. The workshop focused on uncovering the most effective market positioning strategies, emphasizing identifying target stakeholders and understanding their perceptions of GT in ophthalmology.
The Action: Competitive simulation exercises and strategic discussions
Through immersive simulation exercises and strategic discussions, insights were garnered on potential market entry approaches and stakeholder engagement plans.
The Result: Workshop insights enabled our client to make an informed go-/no-go decision for an ophthalmology GT asset.
The outcomes of the workshop enabled our client to make an informed go-/no-go decision for further development of the asset by providing a clear strategic direction based on detailed market and stakeholder analysis
#opthalmology #CGT #CellandGeneTherapy #CompetitiveIntelligence #productpositioning #casestudy #ourwork