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How Education can serve as a catalyst for wider Biosimilar Adoption.

Education for Biosimilar Adoption

Even two decades after their introduction, the global adoption rate of biosimilars is as low as 14%, mainly in the countries actively participating in biosimilar adoption initiatives. 

This article delves into several educational initiatives aimed at boosting the global uptake of biosimilars, highlighting the need for increased stakeholder collaboration.

4 Education initiatives driving the increase of Biosimilars’ uptake

Education is recognized as one of the most critical factors in the adoption of biosimilars. Informative initiatives play a key role in overcoming barriers to their uptake, ensuring healthcare providers and patients understand the benefits and safety of biosimilars, thus fostering a more accepting environment.

1. Act4Biosimilars aims for biosimilar uptake by a minimum of 30%

The Act4Biosimilars Action Plan 2023, initiated by Sandoz in 2022, aspires to boost biosimilar uptake by a minimum of 30% across over 30 countries by 2030. The plan outlines significant obstacles hindering patient access to biosimilars and offers actionable steps to overcome these. Challenges include a misalignment among stakeholder groups in countries like the US, Canada, and Brazil, which creates confusion despite the availability of educational materials. The strategy introduces 12 key initiatives across the 4As — Approvability, Acceptability, Accessibility, and Affordability to encourage a pro-biosimilar atmosphere globally. Assisting local stakeholders in nurturing a biosimilar pro atmosphere in their respective countries will foster a global uptake.

2. FDA enhances Biosimilar Education in the U.S.

The Office of Therapeutic Biologics and Biosimilars (OTBB) within the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) has developed educational resources to dispel myths and misconceptions about biosimilars as part of the Biosimilars Action Plan. These resources include a variety of multimedia materials and online tools aimed at educating both patients and healthcare providers about the safety and benefits of biosimilars.

3. Global Biosimilar Week Promotes Worldwide Awareness

The International Generic and Biosimilar Medicines Association (IGBA) hosts an annual ‘Global Biosimilar Week’. This event aims to increase awareness about the impact of biosimilars on global healthcare by promoting their advantages, such as affordability, safety, and efficacy, while engaging multiple stakeholders (healthcare professionals, patients, policymakers, and the general population)

4. Australian Government Drives Biosimilar Prescriptions

Australia’s government has implemented measures to increase the biosimilar uptake, particularly by promoting the prescription of biosimilars over to treatment naive patients and streamlining the approval process for these drugs. This approach maintains a stricter authorization requirement for reference biological brands, fostering a preference for biosimilars in the healthcare system.

Stakeholder collaboration is key to success of education initiatives aiming at wider adoption of Biosimilars

Despite the extensive educational resources available, confusion among stakeholders in countries like the US, Canada, and Brazil persists due to a lack of coordination. Effective biosimilar adoption requires cohesive action among all parties involved—healthcare providers, patients, academics, payers, pharmaceutical companies, industry associations, regulatory authorities, and patient advocacy groups (PAGs). The broader the understanding of biosimilars, the greater their acceptance, leading to significant economic relief for patients and healthcare systems alike.

In conclusion, through concerted efforts and targeted educational initiatives, the healthcare community can drive the global adoption of biosimilars, ultimately enhancing healthcare accessibility and reducing costs. 

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Sandoz introduces Act4Biosimilars Action Plan to accelerate patient access to biosimilar medicines ( 

Biosimilar Uptake: The Importance of Healthcare Provider Education – PMC (

Act4Biosimilars Impact Index | Novartis Dolphin Platform

Education Efforts to Help Increase Biosimilar Understanding and Acceptance | FDA

The US FDA Upgrades the Purple Book to Assist the Transparency in Biosimilars (

Global Biosimilars Week 2023 

Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) | Biosimilars on the PBS

Sandoz introduces Act4Biosimilars Action Plan to accelerate patient access to biosimilar medicines | Novartis

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