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How we helped a mid-size pharma prepare its sales (SF) and medical teams (MSL) for a competitor’s new launch in the migraine prevention space.

LucidQuest Our Work Competitive Intelligence

The Challenge: Knowing your competitor’s new asset market entry timelines.

LucidQuest worked closely with a mid-size Pharma that wanted to gain a better understanding of the market entry timelines of a new migraine medication and the competitor’s field force upcoming changes planned to support the new launch.

The Action: Εxtensive primary intelligence research and tracking of all competitor recruitment activities.

LucidQuest conducted extensive primary intelligence research with competitor and market sources, including existing and previous employees of the investigated company, over a six-week period.

 We furthermore tracked online job ads by the competition and interviewed associated recruitment agencies.

The Result: The client benefited from a better-prepared sales force and medical teams and a strategic simulation work we facilitated.

Our client acquired an up-to-date view of the competitor’s existing and future SF / MSL structures and insights on the scheduled messaging and stakeholder targeting.

Our client utilized our insights to better prepare their sales and medical teams for upcoming competition and used the research findings in a strategic simulation workshop which LucidQuest also moderated.

#MigrainePrevention #CompetitiveIntelligence #SalesStrategy #MigraineTreatment #casestudy #ourwork


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