The challenge: To map the competitive landscape in Cell and Gene Therapy for Sickle Cell Disease treatment.
A Top-10 biopharmaceutical company asked Lucidquest to assist them with mapping the competitive landscape in Sickle Cell Disease, and identify the likelihood of approval for key competitor assets, with a particular focus on cell and gene therapy approaches.
The Action: Primary and secondary intelligence and advanced analytics techniques to uncover future market dynamics.
The LucidQuest team conducted secondary and primary research to gather detailed insights into the current and upcoming treatment options.
Utilizing advanced analytical techniques, our team provided insights on approval success rates for competitors’ under development assets, offering a predictive glimpse into future market dynamics.
The result: Insightful exercises informed portfolio and NBD decision-making.
The intelligence gathered provided the client with critical insights for portfolio and new business development (NBD) prioritization exercises, enhancing their strategic decision-making process.
#SickleCellDisease #CGT #CellandGeneTherapy #CompetitiveIntelligence #casestudy #ourwork