From Scarcity to Sufficiency: Understanding and Resolving the Cancer Drug Shortage in the United States
The US has been struggling with a severe cancer drug shortage for several…
Multiple myeloma treatment: Why we still need novel scientific research.
Multiple myeloma (MM) is an incurable form of hematological cancer affecting…
How will AI transform the way we treat cancer?
Cancer is one of the top causes of death worldwide. According to the American…
Oncolytic viruses: From promise to reality
The countless cytotoxic effects of traditional chemotherapy have created the…
Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs) in Oncology – Is the Pharma Industry ready?
The acceptance of telehealth and the incorporation of digital technologies have…
Do you afford to miss the latest ASCO discussions and Twitter activity?
The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) is the most prominent…
Research in sales force benchmarking
LucidQuest was asked to support a large-size pharmaceutical company, with key…