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Videogames on prescription: Ready Patient One

Videogames on Prescription

Research has mainly focused on the negative impact of gaming, and media often scapegoat gaming for real-world violence. 

However, a significant body of research confirms their benefits for cognitive skills development. Also, a project’s result, published in New Media & Society, showed that the more frequently family members played video games, the closer and more satisfied they felt as a family.

Recently researchers have studied video games as a tool for therapy. 

Endeavor Rx: The first FDA-Authorized Video Game for ADHD

In June 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) permitted the marketing of the first game-based digital therapeutic device to improve attention function in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). 

The game, EndeavorRx, “is the first & only doctor-prescribed video game treatment for kids with ADHD”. It is indicated for pediatric patients aged 8 to 12 with inattentive or combined-type ADHD who have demonstrated an attention issue.

Akili Interactive, the company that developed EndeavorRx, is still working towards fully commercializing the game. On the 26th of January 2022, around one thousand doctors in the US had already prescribed it. 

Akili joins forces with Roblox to connect treatment to virtual worlds. 

In May 2022, Akili partnered with Roblox and integrated its EndeavorRx with the popular online game platform. The collaboration will offer exclusive Roblox rewards exchange tied to EndeavorRx. The two companies are exploring novel approaches to encourage patients to use EndeavorRx through the Roblox platform.

Akili keeps focusing on new product development to unlock the potential of Digital Therapeutics.

Akili Interactive keeps working on Digital Therapeutics and conducts clinical studies on Selective Stimulus Management Engine (SSME™), Body Brain Trainer (BBT™), and Spatial Navigation Engine (SNAV™). These technologies are designed to target neural systems involved in attentional control, memory, impulsivity, and spatial navigation.

Active production of music with the leap motion controller promises stress-free venipuncture for little patients.

Another example showing the growing interest in the field is a study that IRCCS Burlo Garofolo is to shortly start running in Italy.

This study investigates the reduction of pain and distress in children undergoing venipuncture with active music production with the leap motion controller. 

Children will use the controller to produce music. This way, they will be distracted, and the venipuncture can take place stress-free. The venipuncture process will be completed in a shorter time as there will no longer be a need to wait 30-60 minutes for the local anesthetic to work.

Did you know that therapeutic video game applications go beyond the fields of psychology and behavioral sciences?

According to the website, researchers conduct many diverse trials studying video games or virtual reality as a form of therapy or as a method of improving therapy/uptake of therapy. Among the studied areas are anterior cruciate ligament injuries, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, cognitive dysfunction, diabetes, and heart failure. 

Acibadem University carried out a research project studying how virtual reality exercise applications can improve the quality of life of pediatric chronic kidney patients. Little patients used these applications to experience improved respiratory function, better control of their decreased muscle strength, less fatigue, and improved inflammation findings and GFR (Glomerular filtration rate) values. 

Will video games substitute pill-popping?

With gaming technology and new tools such as virtual reality headsets and wearable devices available, we expect to see interactive games playing a growing role in the treatment of a wide range of conditions helping people of all ages. 


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